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National Geographic School Publishing • 2007

These five illustrated folktale collections represent the people and land of five regions of the United States: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West. Each book includes four different types of folktales: a tall tale, a Native American story, an ethnic story, and a regional story. The series is rated at a 4th grade reading level, and is intended to provide content-based literature to complement regional social studies.

A brief essay on "The Story Behind This Tale" follows each tale, and each volume contains information on the region, on folktales in general, and a "Read, Research, and Write" page with suggested student activities.

Ordering Information

These books are from National Geographic Educational Publishing and are not available in bookstores. They can be ordered at or by calling 888-915-3276.

The American Folktales series is available in various packages, including the following. Prices are current as of October 2008.

• Single copy...$12.17
• Single-copy set - 1 copy each of 5 titles (5 books total) and online Teacher's Guides and Assessments...$60.85
• 6-pack of same title...$73.02
• Classroom set - 6 copies each of 5 titles (30 books total) and Teacher's Guides and Assessments on CD...$356.35
• Teacher's Guides & Assessments on CD...$42.44


Folktales of the Northeast

Tall Tale • Old Stormalong Finds a Man-Sized Ship
Native American Tale (Iroquois) • Flying Head and the Ten Brothers
Ethnic Tale (Pennsylvania Dutch) • Cattle at the Bottom of the Sea
Regional Tale (Catskill Mountains) • How John Darling Learned About Girls

Folktales of the Southeast

Tall Tale • John Henry Races the Steam Drill
Native American Tale (Cherokee) • Rabbit and His Tricks
Ethnic Tale (African American) • The Flying Africans
Regional Tale (Appalachian Mountains) • The Mule Humans

Folktales of the Midwest

Tall Tale • Paul Bunyan and the Winter of the Blue Snow
Native American Tale (Algonquin) • Son of the Morning Star
Ethnic Tale (Scandinavian American) • Febold Feboldson Busts a Few Droughts
Regional Tale (Ohio and Indiana) • Johnny Appleseed

Folktales of the Southwest

Tall Tale • Pecos Bill Finds a Ranch but Loses a Wife
Native American Tale (Zuni) • The Turkey Girl
Ethnic Tale (Mexican American) • The Flower of Life
Regional Tale (Arizona/Mexican border) • Running with the Mustangs

Folktales of the West

Tall Tale • Old Gabe in the Valley of the Yellowstone
Native American Tale (Columbia River Indians) • Coyote and the Giant Sisters
Ethnic Tale (Chinese American) • The Thousand-League Horse
Regional Tale (Hawaii) • Kana the Stretching Wonder