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Order Books

There are many different ways to obtain my books, depending upon the specific title. Whenever possible, I encourage you to patronize independent booksellers. They are the heart and soul of the retail book business, and as long as a book is still in print, they can usually order a title for you if they do not have it. Large chains can also order titles. It's helpful to have the ISBN, which you will find on all my book pages, but you can also order by author and title.

Online booksellers have my in-print titles readily available, so that can be a convenient way to order. I have provided direct links to my books at and Barnes and Noble online.

For books that are out-of-print or out-of-stock indefinitely, I suggest trying This is a wonderful site that simultaneously searches several used books sites.

I have also supplied information for direct orders from certain publishers. National Geographic and Harcourt will both offer generous terms if you place a multiple book order and explain that it is for an author visit. Facts on File books are aimed primarily at the school and library market, and they can be ordered directly even in small quantities.